core/lib/Thelia/Action/Order.php line 394
* This file is part of the Thelia package.
* (c) OpenStudio <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Thelia\Action;
use Propel\Runtime\Propel;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack;
use Thelia\Core\Event\Order\GetStockUpdateOperationOnOrderStatusChangeEvent;
use Thelia\Core\Event\Order\OrderAddressEvent;
use Thelia\Core\Event\Order\OrderEvent;
use Thelia\Core\Event\Order\OrderManualEvent;
use Thelia\Core\Event\Order\OrderPaymentEvent;
use Thelia\Core\Event\Order\OrderPayTotalEvent;
use Thelia\Core\Event\Product\VirtualProductOrderHandleEvent;
use Thelia\Core\Event\TheliaEvents;
use Thelia\Core\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Thelia\Core\Security\SecurityContext;
use Thelia\Core\Security\User\UserInterface;
use Thelia\Exception\TheliaProcessException;
use Thelia\Log\Tlog;
use Thelia\Mailer\MailerFactory;
use Thelia\Model\AddressQuery;
use Thelia\Model\Cart as CartModel;
use Thelia\Model\ConfigQuery;
use Thelia\Model\Currency as CurrencyModel;
use Thelia\Model\Lang as LangModel;
use Thelia\Model\Map\OrderTableMap;
use Thelia\Model\ModuleQuery;
use Thelia\Model\Order as ModelOrder;
use Thelia\Model\Order as OrderModel;
use Thelia\Model\OrderAddress;
use Thelia\Model\OrderAddressQuery;
use Thelia\Model\OrderProduct;
use Thelia\Model\OrderProductAttributeCombination;
use Thelia\Model\OrderProductTax;
use Thelia\Model\OrderStatusQuery;
use Thelia\Model\OrderVersionQuery;
use Thelia\Model\ProductI18n;
use Thelia\Model\ProductSaleElements;
use Thelia\Model\ProductSaleElementsQuery;
use Thelia\Model\TaxRuleI18n;
use Thelia\Tools\I18n;
* Class Order.
* @author Etienne Roudeix <>
* @author Franck Allimant <>
class Order extends BaseAction implements EventSubscriberInterface
/** @var RequestStack */
protected $requestStack;
/** @var MailerFactory */
protected $mailer;
/** @var SecurityContext */
protected $securityContext;
public function __construct(RequestStack $requestStack, MailerFactory $mailer, SecurityContext $securityContext)
$this->requestStack = $requestStack;
$this->mailer = $mailer;
$this->securityContext = $securityContext;
public function setDeliveryAddress(OrderEvent $event): void
$order = $event->getOrder();
public function setDeliveryModule(OrderEvent $event): void
$order = $event->getOrder();
$deliveryModuleId = $event->getDeliveryModule();
// Reset postage cost if the delivery module had been removed
if ($deliveryModuleId <= 0) {
public function setPostage(OrderEvent $event): void
$order = $event->getOrder();
public function setInvoiceAddress(OrderEvent $event): void
$order = $event->getOrder();
public function setPaymentModule(OrderEvent $event): void
$order = $event->getOrder();
* @param bool $unusedArgument deprecated argument. Will be removed in 2.5
* @param bool $useOrderDefinedAddresses if true, the delivery and invoice OrderAddresses will be used instead of creating new OrderAdresses using Order::getChoosenXXXAddress()
* @throws \Exception
* @throws \Propel\Runtime\Exception\PropelException
* @return ModelOrder
protected function createOrder(
EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher,
ModelOrder $sessionOrder,
CurrencyModel $currency,
LangModel $lang,
CartModel $cart,
UserInterface $customer,
$unusedArgument = null,
$useOrderDefinedAddresses = false
) {
$con = Propel::getConnection(
$placedOrder = $sessionOrder->copy();
// Be sure to create a brand new order, as copy raises the modified flag for all fields
// and will also copy order reference and id.
// Dates should be marked as not updated so that Propel will update them.
$cartItems = $cart->getCartItems();
/* fulfill order */
if ($useOrderDefinedAddresses) {
$taxCountry =
} else {
$deliveryAddress = AddressQuery::create()->findPk($sessionOrder->getChoosenDeliveryAddress());
$invoiceAddress = AddressQuery::create()->findPk($sessionOrder->getChoosenInvoiceAddress());
/* hard save the delivery and invoice addresses */
$deliveryOrderAddress = new OrderAddress();
$invoiceOrderAddress = new OrderAddress();
$taxCountry = $deliveryAddress->getCountry();
/* memorize discount */
$manageStock = $placedOrder->isStockManagedOnOrderCreation($dispatcher);
/* fulfill order_products and decrease stock */
foreach ($cartItems as $cartItem) {
$product = $cartItem->getProduct();
/* get translation */
/** @var ProductI18n $productI18n */
$productI18n = I18n::forceI18nRetrieving($lang->getLocale(), 'Product', $product->getId());
$pse = $cartItem->getProductSaleElements();
// get the virtual document path
$virtualDocumentEvent = new VirtualProductOrderHandleEvent($placedOrder, $pse->getId());
// essentially used for virtual product. modules that handles virtual product can
// allow the use of stock even for virtual products
$useStock = true;
$virtual = 0;
// if the product is virtual, dispatch an event to collect information
if ($product->getVirtual() === 1) {
$dispatcher->dispatch($virtualDocumentEvent, TheliaEvents::VIRTUAL_PRODUCT_ORDER_HANDLE);
$useStock = $virtualDocumentEvent->isUseStock();
$virtual = $virtualDocumentEvent->isVirtual() ? 1 : 0;
/* check still in stock */
if ($cartItem->getQuantity() > $pse->getQuantity()
&& true === ConfigQuery::checkAvailableStock()
&& $useStock) {
throw new TheliaProcessException('Not enough stock', TheliaProcessException::CART_ITEM_NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK, $cartItem);
if ($useStock && $manageStock) {
/* decrease stock for non virtual product */
$allowNegativeStock = (int) ConfigQuery::read('allow_negative_stock', 0);
$newStock = $pse->getQuantity() - $cartItem->getQuantity();
// Forbid negative stock
if ($newStock < 0 && 0 === $allowNegativeStock) {
$newStock = 0;
/* get tax */
/** @var TaxRuleI18n $taxRuleI18n */
$taxRuleI18n = I18n::forceI18nRetrieving($lang->getLocale(), 'TaxRule', $product->getTaxRuleId());
$taxDetail = $product->getTaxRule()->getTaxDetail(
$orderProduct = new OrderProduct();
/* fulfill order_product_tax */
/** @var OrderProductTax $tax */
foreach ($taxDetail as $tax) {
/* fulfill order_attribute_combination and decrease stock */
foreach ($pse->getAttributeCombinations() as $attributeCombination) {
/** @var \Thelia\Model\Attribute $attribute */
$attribute = I18n::forceI18nRetrieving($lang->getLocale(), 'Attribute', $attributeCombination->getAttributeId());
/** @var \Thelia\Model\AttributeAv $attributeAv */
$attributeAv = I18n::forceI18nRetrieving($lang->getLocale(), 'AttributeAv', $attributeCombination->getAttributeAvId());
$orderAttributeCombination = new OrderProductAttributeCombination();
return $placedOrder;
* Create an order outside of the front-office context, e.g. manually from the back-office.
* @throws \Exception
* @throws \Propel\Runtime\Exception\PropelException
public function createManual(OrderManualEvent $event, $eventName, EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher): void
$event->setOrder(new OrderModel());
* @throws \Thelia\Exception\TheliaProcessException
* @throws \Exception
* @throws \Propel\Runtime\Exception\PropelException
public function create(OrderEvent $event, $eventName, EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher): void
$session = $this->getSession();
$order = $event->getOrder();
$paymentModule = ModuleQuery::create()->findPk($order->getPaymentModuleId());
$placedOrder = $this->createOrder(
$dispatcher->dispatch(new OrderEvent($placedOrder), TheliaEvents::ORDER_BEFORE_PAYMENT);
/* but memorize placed order */
$event->setOrder(new OrderModel());
/* call pay method */
$payEvent = new OrderPaymentEvent($placedOrder);
$dispatcher->dispatch($payEvent, TheliaEvents::MODULE_PAY);
if ($payEvent->hasResponse()) {
public function orderBeforePayment(OrderEvent $event, $eventName, EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher): void
$dispatcher->dispatch(clone $event, TheliaEvents::ORDER_SEND_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL);
$dispatcher->dispatch(clone $event, TheliaEvents::ORDER_SEND_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL);
* Clear the cart and the order in the customer session once the order is placed,
* and the payment performed.
public function orderCartClear(/* @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ OrderEvent $event, $eventName, EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher): void
// Empty cart and clear current order
$session = $this->getSession();
$session->setOrder(new OrderModel());
* @throws \Exception if the message cannot be loaded
public function sendConfirmationEmail(OrderEvent $event): void
'order_id' => $event->getOrder()->getId(),
'order_ref' => $event->getOrder()->getRef(),
* @throws \Exception if the message cannot be loaded
public function sendNotificationEmail(OrderEvent $event): void
'order_id' => $event->getOrder()->getId(),
'order_ref' => $event->getOrder()->getRef(),
* @throws \Exception
* @throws \Propel\Runtime\Exception\PropelException
public function updateStatus(OrderEvent $event, $eventName, EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher): void
$order = $event->getOrder();
$newStatus = $event->getStatus();
$con = Propel::getConnection(OrderTableMap::DATABASE_NAME);
// Prevent partial stock update on status change.
try {
$this->updateQuantity($order, $newStatus, $dispatcher);
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
throw $ex;
* Check if a stock update is required on order products for a given order status change, and compute if
* the stock should be decreased or increased.
* @throws \Propel\Runtime\Exception\PropelException
public function getStockUpdateOnOrderStatusChange(GetStockUpdateOperationOnOrderStatusChangeEvent $event, $eventName, EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher): void
// The order
$order = $event->getOrder();
// The new order status
$newStatus = $event->getNewOrderStatus();
if ($newStatus->getId() !== $order->getStatusId()) {
// We have to change the stock in the following cases :
// 1) The order is currently paid, and will become unpaid (get products back in stock unconditionnaly)
// 2) The order is currently unpaid, and will become paid (remove products from stock, except if was done at order creation $manageStockOnCreation == false)
// 3) The order is currently NOT PAID, and will become canceled or the like (get products back in stock if it was done at order creation $manageStockOnCreation == true)
// We consider the ManageStockOnCreation flag only if the order status as not yet changed.
// Count distinct order statuses (e.g. NOT_PAID to something else) in the order version table.
if (OrderVersionQuery::create()->groupByStatusId()->filterById($order->getId())->count() > 1) {
// A status change occured. Ignore $manageStockOnCreation
$manageStockOnCreation = false;
} else {
// A status has not yet occured. Consider the ManageStockOnCreation flag
$manageStockOnCreation = $order->isStockManagedOnOrderCreation($dispatcher);
if (($order->isPaid(false) && $newStatus->isNotPaid(false)) // Case 1
($order->isNotPaid(true) && $newStatus->isNotPaid(false) && $manageStockOnCreation === true) // Case 3
) {
if ($order->isNotPaid(false) // Case 2
$manageStockOnCreation === false) {
'Checking stock operation for status change of order : '.$order->getRef()
.', version: '.$order->getVersion()
.', manageStockOnCreation: '.($manageStockOnCreation ? 0 : 1)
.', paid:'.($order->isPaid(false) ? 1 : 0)
.', is not paid:'.($order->isNotPaid(false) ? 1 : 0)
.', new status paid:'.($newStatus->isPaid(false) ? 1 : 0)
.', new status is not paid:'.($newStatus->isNotPaid(false) ? 1 : 0)
.' = operation: '.$event->getOperation()
* Update order products stock after an order status change.
* @param int $newStatus the new status ID
* @throws \Exception
* @throws \Propel\Runtime\Exception\PropelException
protected function updateQuantity(ModelOrder $order, $newStatus, EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher): void
if ($newStatus !== $order->getStatusId()) {
if (null !== $newStatusModel = OrderStatusQuery::create()->findPk($newStatus)) {
$operationEvent = new GetStockUpdateOperationOnOrderStatusChangeEvent($order, $newStatusModel);
if ($operationEvent->getOperation() !== $operationEvent::DO_NOTHING) {
$orderProductList = $order->getOrderProducts();
/** @var OrderProduct $orderProduct */
foreach ($orderProductList as $orderProduct) {
$productSaleElementsId = $orderProduct->getProductSaleElementsId();
/** @var ProductSaleElements $productSaleElements */
if (null !== $productSaleElements = ProductSaleElementsQuery::create()->findPk($productSaleElementsId)) {
$offset = 0;
if ($operationEvent->getOperation() == $operationEvent::INCREASE_STOCK) {
$offset = $orderProduct->getQuantity();
} elseif ($operationEvent->getOperation() == $operationEvent::DECREASE_STOCK) {
/* Check if we have enough stock */
if ($orderProduct->getQuantity() > $productSaleElements->getQuantity() && true === ConfigQuery::checkAvailableStock()) {
throw new TheliaProcessException($productSaleElements->getRef().' : Not enough stock 2');
$offset = -$orderProduct->getQuantity();
Tlog::getInstance()->addError('Product stock: '.$productSaleElements->getQuantity().' -> '.($productSaleElements->getQuantity() + $offset));
->setQuantity($productSaleElements->getQuantity() + $offset)
* @throws \Propel\Runtime\Exception\PropelException
public function updateDeliveryRef(OrderEvent $event): void
$order = $event->getOrder();
* @throws \Propel\Runtime\Exception\PropelException
public function updateTransactionRef(OrderEvent $event): void
$order = $event->getOrder();
* @throws \Propel\Runtime\Exception\PropelException
public function updateAddress(OrderAddressEvent $event): void
$orderAddress = $event->getOrderAddress();
* @throws \Propel\Runtime\Exception\PropelException
public function getOrderPayTotal(OrderPayTotalEvent $event): void
$order = $event->getOrder();
$tax = $event->getTax();
$total = $order->getTotalAmount(
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
TheliaEvents::ORDER_SET_DELIVERY_ADDRESS => ['setDeliveryAddress', 128],
TheliaEvents::ORDER_SET_DELIVERY_MODULE => ['setDeliveryModule', 128],
TheliaEvents::ORDER_SET_POSTAGE => ['setPostage', 128],
TheliaEvents::ORDER_SET_INVOICE_ADDRESS => ['setInvoiceAddress', 128],
TheliaEvents::ORDER_SET_PAYMENT_MODULE => ['setPaymentModule', 128],
TheliaEvents::ORDER_PAY => ['create', 128],
TheliaEvents::ORDER_PAY_GET_TOTAL => ['getOrderPayTotal', 128],
TheliaEvents::ORDER_CART_CLEAR => ['orderCartClear', 128],
TheliaEvents::ORDER_BEFORE_PAYMENT => ['orderBeforePayment', 128],
TheliaEvents::ORDER_SEND_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL => ['sendConfirmationEmail', 128],
TheliaEvents::ORDER_SEND_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL => ['sendNotificationEmail', 128],
TheliaEvents::ORDER_UPDATE_STATUS => ['updateStatus', 128],
TheliaEvents::ORDER_UPDATE_DELIVERY_REF => ['updateDeliveryRef', 128],
TheliaEvents::ORDER_UPDATE_TRANSACTION_REF => ['updateTransactionRef', 128],
TheliaEvents::ORDER_UPDATE_ADDRESS => ['updateAddress', 128],
TheliaEvents::ORDER_CREATE_MANUAL => ['createManual', 128],
TheliaEvents::ORDER_GET_STOCK_UPDATE_OPERATION_ON_ORDER_STATUS_CHANGE => ['getStockUpdateOnOrderStatusChange', 128],
* Returns the session from the current request.
* @return \Thelia\Core\HttpFoundation\Session\Session
protected function getSession()
/** @var Request $request */
$request = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest();
return $request->getSession();